Source code for pyngrok.exception

__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2018-2024 Alex Laird"
__license__ = "MIT"

from typing import Any, Optional, List

from pyngrok.log import NgrokLog

[docs] class PyngrokError(Exception): """ Raised when a general ``pyngrok`` error has occurred. """ pass
[docs] class PyngrokSecurityError(PyngrokError): """ Raised when a ``pyngrok`` security error has occurred. """ pass
[docs] class PyngrokNgrokInstallError(PyngrokError): """ Raised when an error has occurred while downloading and installing the ``ngrok`` binary. """ pass
[docs] class PyngrokNgrokError(PyngrokError): """ Raised when an error occurs interacting directly with the ``ngrok`` binary. """ def __init__(self, error: str, ngrok_logs: Optional[List[NgrokLog]] = None, ngrok_error: Optional[str] = None) -> None: super(PyngrokNgrokError, self).__init__(error) #: The ``ngrok`` logs, which may be useful for debugging the error. self.ngrok_logs: List[NgrokLog] = ngrok_logs if ngrok_logs else [] #: The error that caused the ``ngrok`` process to fail. self.ngrok_error: Optional[str] = ngrok_error
[docs] class PyngrokNgrokHTTPError(PyngrokNgrokError): """ Raised when an error occurs making a request to the ``ngrok`` web interface. The ``body`` contains the error response received from ``ngrok``. """ # When Python <3.9 support is dropped, headers type can be changed to Dict[str, str]|MutableMapping[str, str]|Any def __init__(self, error: str, url: str, status_code: int, message: Optional[str], headers: Any, body: str) -> None: super(PyngrokNgrokHTTPError, self).__init__(error) #: The request URL that failed. self.url: str = url #: The response status code from ``ngrok``. self.status_code: int = status_code #: The response message from ``ngrok``. self.message: Optional[str] = message #: The request headers sent to ``ngrok``. self.headers: Any = headers #: The response body from ``ngrok``. self.body: str = body
[docs] class PyngrokNgrokURLError(PyngrokNgrokError): """ Raised when an error occurs when trying to initiate an API request. """ # When Python <3.9 support is dropped, reason type can be changed to str|BaseException def __init__(self, error: str, reason: Any) -> None: super(PyngrokNgrokURLError, self).__init__(error) #: The reason for the URL error. self.reason: Any = reason