Source code for pyngrok.conf

__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2018-2024 Alex Laird"
__license__ = "MIT"

import os
import platform
from typing import Optional, Callable

from pyngrok.installer import get_ngrok_bin
from pyngrok.log import NgrokLog

BIN_DIR = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "bin"))
DEFAULT_NGROK_PATH = os.path.join(BIN_DIR, get_ngrok_bin())
DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH: Optional[str] = None

system = platform.system().lower()
if system == "darwin":
    _config_rel_path = os.path.join("Library", "Application Support", "ngrok")
elif system in ["windows", "cygwin"]:
    _config_rel_path = os.path.join("AppData", "Local", "ngrok")
    _config_rel_path = os.path.join(".config", "ngrok")
DEFAULT_NGROK_CONFIG_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), _config_rel_path, "ngrok.yml")

[docs] class PyngrokConfig: """ An object containing ``pyngrok``'s configuration for interacting with the ``ngrok`` binary. All values are optional when it is instantiated, and default values will be used for parameters not passed. Use :func:`~pyngrok.conf.get_default` and :func:`~pyngrok.conf.set_default` to interact with the default ``pyngrok_config``, or pass another instance of this object as the ``pyngrok_config`` keyword arg to most methods in the :mod:`~pyngrok.ngrok` module to override the default. .. code-block:: python from pyngrok import conf, ngrok # Here we update the entire default config pyngrok_config = conf.PyngrokConfig(ngrok_path="/usr/local/bin/ngrok") conf.set_default(pyngrok_config) # Here we update just one variable in the default config conf.get_default().ngrok_path = "/usr/local/bin/ngrok" # Here we leave the default config as-is and pass an override pyngrok_config = conf.PyngrokConfig(ngrok_path="/usr/local/bin/ngrok") ngrok.connect(pyngrok_config=pyngrok_config) """ def __init__(self, ngrok_path: Optional[str] = None, config_path: Optional[str] = None, auth_token: Optional[str] = os.environ.get("NGROK_AUTHTOKEN"), region: Optional[str] = None, monitor_thread: bool = True, log_event_callback: Optional[Callable[[NgrokLog], None]] = None, startup_timeout: int = 15, max_logs: int = 100, request_timeout: float = 4, start_new_session: bool = False, ngrok_version: str = "v3", api_key: Optional[str] = None) -> None: #: The path to the ``ngrok`` binary, defaults to the value in `conf.DEFAULT_NGROK_PATH #: <index.html#config-file>`_. self.ngrok_path: str = DEFAULT_NGROK_PATH if ngrok_path is None else ngrok_path #: The path to the ``ngrok`` config, defaults to ``None`` and ``ngrok`` manages it. self.config_path: Optional[str] = DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH if config_path is None else config_path #: A ``ngrok`` authtoken to pass to commands (overrides what is in the config). If a value is not passed, will #: attempt to use the environment variable ``NGROK_AUTHTOKEN`` if it is set. self.auth_token: Optional[str] = auth_token #: The region in which ``ngrok`` should start. self.region: Optional[str] = region #: Whether ``ngrok`` should continue to be monitored (for logs, etc.) after startup is complete. self.monitor_thread: bool = monitor_thread #: A callback that will be invoked each time ``ngrok`` emits a log. The function should take #: one argument of type :py:class:`str`. ``monitor_thread`` must be set to ``True`` or the function will #: stop being called after ``ngrok`` finishes starting. self.log_event_callback: Optional[Callable[[NgrokLog], None]] = log_event_callback #: The max number of seconds to wait for ``ngrok`` to start before timing out. self.startup_timeout: int = startup_timeout #: The max number of logs to store in :class:`~pyngrok.process.NgrokProcess`'s ``logs`` variable. self.max_logs: int = max_logs #: The max timeout when making requests to ``ngrok``'s API. self.request_timeout: float = request_timeout #: Passed to :py:class:`subprocess.Popen` when launching ``ngrok``. (Python 3 and POSIX only). self.start_new_session: bool = start_new_session #: The major version of ``ngrok`` installed. self.ngrok_version: str = ngrok_version #: A ``ngrok`` API key. self.api_key: Optional[str] = api_key
_default_pyngrok_config: PyngrokConfig = PyngrokConfig()
[docs] def get_default() -> PyngrokConfig: """ Get the default config to be used with methods in the :mod:`~pyngrok.ngrok` module. To override the default individually, the ``pyngrok_config`` keyword arg can also be passed to most of these methods, or set a new default config with :func:`~pyngrok.conf.set_default`. :return: The default ``pyngrok_config``. """ if _default_pyngrok_config is None: set_default(PyngrokConfig()) return _default_pyngrok_config
[docs] def set_default(pyngrok_config: PyngrokConfig) -> None: """ Set a new default config to be used with methods in the :mod:`~pyngrok.ngrok` module. To override the default individually, the ``pyngrok_config`` keyword arg can also be passed to most of these methods. :param pyngrok_config: The new ``pyngrok_config`` to be used by default. """ global _default_pyngrok_config _default_pyngrok_config = pyngrok_config
[docs] def get_config_path(pyngrok_config: PyngrokConfig) -> str: """ Return the ``config_path`` if set on the given ``pyngrok_configg``, otherwise return ``ngrok``'s default path. :param pyngrok_config: The ``pyngrok`` configuration to first check for a ``config_path``. :return: The path to the config file. """ if pyngrok_config.config_path is not None: return pyngrok_config.config_path else: return DEFAULT_NGROK_CONFIG_PATH